Feb 24 — 26, 2023: Springfield Sportsman Show

Learn More SHOW DATES FEB 24th, 12 noon - 8PM FEB 25th, 9AM - 7PM FEB 26th, 10AM - 5PM ADMISSION Adults  $15 Kids 6-12  $5 Under 6  FREE SHOW LOCATION Eastern States Exposition Home of the Big E 1305 Memorial Avenue West Springfield, MA 01089 Tel. (413) 737-2443 www.thebige.com

March 10 —12, 2023: NH Outdoor Expo

Learn More FRI. 1pm-8pm SAT. 10am-7pm SUN. 10am-5pm Free parking! Adults: $15 Children 12 & under: FREE! HAMPSHIRE DOME - MILFORD, NH

April 15, 2023: Annual Banquet & Auction 

Safari Club International New England Chapter‘s Annual Banquet and Auction. Come experience the excitement of live in person bidding on hunting/fishing trips, gear, firearms, artwork and much more. There will also be Silent Auctions, Raffles, Games and Taxidermy. Special youth and ladies’ tables as well. Vendors and outfitters will be present, so be sure to […]

August 11 – 13, 2023: America’s Re-Invented Hunting Expo

Huntstock was created with one goal in mind -- to be the best damn hunting show in the country! Our event purposefully goes against every conventional hunting show's playbook. If you are looking for a hunting show to spend a few hours at walking up and down aisles inside a convention center Huntstock isn't for […]

August 26, 2023: New England Hunting Expo at Sig Sauer Academy

SAVE THE DATE! The New England Hunting Expo is back for it’s second year! Gear up for hunting season with us on Saturday, August 26th. We will have seminars focused on hunting in New England, vendors, food trucks, raffles and more. Our rifle range will be open for you to sight in your rifle and […]

August 30, 2023: Steaks & Clays

Please join us on Wednesday August 30th, for the annual SCINEF Steaks & Clays. 3:30-4:30 registration and then staggered groups of 3-6 shooters will start on the Sporting Clays course. Immediately followed by a steak dinner and cocktails. You may also come later if need be and catch up with the rest of the group […]